August 18, 2011

Big News!

Thanks to a couple of large donations, we're finished our fundraising for Thor's Autism Service Dog!! Those donations haven't yet made it to the hands of 4 Paws for Ability, but will be there in a matter of weeks...which is a story for another time when I have more details. But trust me when I say, it will be a very exciting event!!

So besides having raised all the money, what does this mean? It means now Thor's dog (we won't know which one until closer to getting it) will begin means I need to make a video of Thor to help them train his dog.

It also means I now have to start raising the money for our big trip from Northern BC, Canada to Xenia, Ohio for the 11 days of training we will have to attend next year (I'm guessing May-ish but I'll know more once we're assigned a training class).

This is no small cost - flights, hotels, car rental, etc for Thor and 2 adult escorts (one other adult must come with us for times when I must concentrate on my training as a service dog handler without Thor, although there will be plenty of time where he is involved in the training).

These costs will be close to $10,000 and we are once again reaching out for your support! Donations can be made through our fundraising page, or you can donate to the PAWS 4 THOR account through any TD Canada Trustbank to Account#  9352 6340323.

Every dollar donated is appreciated more than you can know...thanks for all your help and continued support in this journey!


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